Free Parking, Bike rack, Toilets, barbeque and Picnic areas, Fort Victoria Country park has the essentials covered for you to enjoy your visit.
Cafe Verdi

Food and drinks are available on site in the cafe which is open seasonally. (Closed Mondays)
Picnic Area

Bring a picnic for one of the most spectacular views of the Solent on the Island, lay a blanket out on our large lawned area, the beach or use one of our many picnic benches in our dedicated area.
Barbeque Area

The Council has installed three purpose-made barbeques for public use. Small groups (12 people or less) may turn up and use the barbeques without booking if they are not in use. Larger groups (12 – 50 people) are asked to book in advance to reserve the whole area, for which there is a small fee. Please contact the Park Ranger on 01983 760860 to book
Large car park

Loads of car parking on site that is free!
Car Parking is limited to 24 hours and excludes overnight camping, penalty charges apply for overnight camping or misuse of the car park, please see signage at the entrance.
Bike rack

We have a dedicated Bike rack for you to securely store your bikes whilst you visit, for more information on getting here sustainably have a look at our green travel page.

Public Toilets onsite that are opened and cleaned daily, includes disabled access and baby change facilities. Not suitable for emptying chemical toilets into as the toilets are on a Bio-Digester.