HMS Gladiator Exhibition
The HMS Gladiator Disaster of 1908
In 1908 the Royal Engineers stationed at Fort Victoria played a vital role in rescuing the survivors of the disaster. Visit the exhibition to discover the story that unfolded that fateful day.

The Disaster
On April the 25th 1908, in the midst of a terrific snowstorm the HMS Gladiator collided with an ocean liner the SS St Paul, the disaster cost the lives of 27 men and the subsequent salvage operations took many months to complete. Discover the events surrounding the disaster in our new exhibition.
Visiting the exhibition
The Gladiator exhibition is a small exhibit, best enjoyed as part of a visit to the Fort and other attractions, allow yourself around an hour to be able to read all of the displays.
Open daily from 10am
Admission is £3 per person
Please be aware this is a very information (text)
based exhibit and therefore may not be suitable
for small children. Allow an hour to visit.